Date of Issue: May 2021 Issue Category: Reports
Youmentei Opens Loaf Bread Specialty Shop Named, "Tomaru" in Takasaki City
"Kinoh", which is supposed to be eaten without toasting "Itadaki", which is supposed to be toasted before eating Youmentei, headquartered in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, and president of which is Mr. Yuta Toemaru, which operates Italian restaurants mainly in Gunma Prefecture, will open a loaf bread specialty shop named, "Tomaru", in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture on April 14.
It manufactures and sells two types of bread, "Kinoh" (972 yen including tax), which is supposed to be eaten without toasting, and "Itadaki" (864 yen including tax), which is supposed to be toasted before eating.
All breads make the best use of the taste and flavor of the ingredients carefully selected by the company, such as Gunma milk and instantly heated pure honey, and baked in a steam convection oven to make the bread crumb "soft like silk".
No artificial colors, emulsifiers or preservatives are used. As for fats and oils, those with as little trans fatty acid content as possible, are used. Concerning water and milk, Hydrogen water and Gunma prefecture milk are used.
The company says, "We use the original blend of wheat flour that we have reached after repeated tasting sessions inside and outside the company. You can eat it raw or toasted, and you can enjoy various flavors. By using steam convection oven and moistening a lot of water, the bread crumbs and crusts are both silky and moist. |